Buy Horizontal split case fire pump with firecps

FIRECPS gives Fire control & prevention solutions to various clients and offers regular support of new fire protection control tools along with it, FIRECPS provides consultancy in fire control and prevention issues. With countless clients in various nations, the fire control and security system is beginning to outsource of different nations too. Firecps is a primary supplier of f ire fighting pumps in UAE and profoundly well-known fire security equipment provider in Ajman, UAE. Firecps is one of the top 10 fire fighting companies in UAE . FIRECPS consummately executes all assignments , from assembling fire control and fire prevention items to offering needed specialized support counseling. FIRECPS is major Fire protection pump supplier in UAE. The first & foremost Moto of FIRECPS is to protect and safeguard the property and workforce of our clients and customers. In this manner to keep any conceivable harm from mechanical ...